For a long time animals like the one on the left were to be imagined floating in Furaha skies. They all had in common that they used the lighter-than-air principle to fly, something no animal on Earth has mastered. Unfortunately, doing the math properly made me doubt whether such animals are possible, at least with a gravity and atmospheric qualities like those of Earth - and Furaha! |
There is a good reason why balloons designed to carry the weight of one or more humans on earth on earth have to be large: each liter of gas in the balloon can only lift a tiny amount of mass. At first I had thought that I could get away with that by giving Furaha an atmosphere somewhat denser then Earth. If this sounds contra-intuitive, that is probably because it is. Then again, there is no rule saying that science has to be intuitive. Read the blog posts on the mathematics of ballonts to find out. This one tells the story why bigger is better for ballonts; another post dealt with how much an increased atmospheric density affects balloon size. I then looked for a home for ballonts far away from Furaha, in the dense atmospheres of gas giants; even there, nature conspired against them, as the gases there are so light that you still need an immense volume to lift anything. |
The only place I have not looked yet, or rather, that i have not written a post about, is terrestrial planets with crushingly dense atmospheres. They are apparently the only place where you could get a ballont of a less then gigantic size. Unfortuantely, the circumstances there will be alien in all other aspects as well. |