
More than eight: rusps


There are eight-legged animals on Furaha: spiders! This page is however not about how spiders walk, but about how animators sometimes think large eight-legged animals could walk.

A look at some fictional animals is revealing: for more info read a post on the subject. Thoats are animals on Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom (Mars). Many artists wrestled with thoats, knowing only quadripedal locomotion. In fact, they tried to do with thoats what other designers did with six-legged gaits.

Here is a very nice drawing of a thoat in which the front six legs all move in unison, as if they were a horse's two front legs.

Here is an animation of an eight-legged walking animal to show that it is not all that difficult to do something more interesting with an eight-legged gaits. Try to work out what the phase differences are...